Real People Ltd was established in February 2013 and is a family owned business that runs a bespoke Domiciliary Care agency where our office is based in Hadleigh, Essex, central to the surrounding areas that we provide support, specialising in learning disabilities and mental health from transition period onwards. We are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
We provide a high quality service offering Community Support, Supported Living, Community Respite Care and support in Employment and the Transition Period. The name of the organisation reflects the hearts of the Directors and the staff who provide support. The majority of the support provided is using mainstream community resources, which ensures we all have community presence and inclusion.
We believe that our Duty of Care is to provide those we support and work alongside, to have the life and social skills that enhance the quality of individual's lives, with Dignity and Equality. The foundation of our organisation is to Care and Support, to Enable and Empower and to Learn and Achieve.